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The ChildFund Mozambique is hiring an Accoutant, for Maputo.


Responsible for providing technical support, training and mentorship for the Local Partners to ensure that subsidies (Grants and/or NSPs) are utilized and reported according to policy/procedures and in compliance with Letter Of Agreement (LOA) signed by Local Partners and Country Office.


  • Remain alert and responsive to any child safeguarding risks, acquire relevant knowledge and skills which will enable you to promote strong safeguarding practices, understand the child safeguarding policy and procedures, and conduct yourself in a manner consistent with the Child Safeguarding Policy;
  • Responsible for training and mentorship for partner staff in financial management systems and procedures to ensures competency and proficiency and required reports to are submitted promptly and accurately (include Grants and NSPs specific duties);
  •  Supporting Local Partner budget and cash flow management duties to include fund release request preparation, coordination and supervision of cash forecast requirements;
  • Assisting Local Partner in the development of Annual Strategic Plans, SPO and/or Grants and NSP proposal budget, review of Local Partner annual plans, and optimal utilization of funds;
  • Participating in CO’s and LPs Project proposal writing through assistance on budget analysis and development;
  • Monitor the Local Partner compliance with policies, procedures and regulations;
  • In partnership with the Assurance Department, implement corrective action measures on Local Partner audit, monitor findings/recommendations and prepare quarterly status reports;
  • Ensure Local Partner compliance with terms and conditions in Letter of Agreement (LOA), including monthly bank balance reporting requirements, compliance with procurement policy, and immediate notification of deviations to CO Finance management;
  • Responsible for assisting Local Partner staff on finance manual requirements, capacity building for finance staff on finance activities in compliance with policy and procedures; periodic review of staff performance and systems offer recommendations on improvement;
  • Responsible for review and analysis of monthly, quarterly and annual financial reports of Local Partners, ensure NSP reporting requirement compliance, and records management for audit and review requirements.


  • 3+ years work experience in finance, accounting/bookkeeping activities, auditing, business administration, or related field;
  • Experience in an organization with major donor funding (DFID, UN/EU/USG Grants) Standard Provisions and Financial Requirements preferable;
  • Experience in budget preparation and office administration in an international NGO or organization preferable;
  • Experience and proficiency on financial software and reporting systems;
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Programs including Excel, Word and Outlook;
  • Self-guided, strong organizational and planning skills;
  • Ability to work independently and under pressure;
  • Ability to manage interpersonal relations and work effectively with others, to establish and maintain good working relations in a multicultural, multiethnic environment while showing sensitivity and respect for diversity;
  • Outstanding written and oral communication skills in English.


Professional Certificates such as AAT, NATECH, ACCA II, CIMA II, ZICA Licentiate or bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance.

ChildFund International is committed to safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children with whom it is in contact and to conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for children.



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C & S Lda.
Av. Samora Machel (N4), Queens Village loja 4, Tchumene 1, Matola, Moçambique